The Observologist: A handbook for mounting very small scientific expeditions

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The Observologist puts more than 100 small creatures and features of the natural world under the microscope, piquing our curiosity with only the most interesting facts.

38,00 лв.
The Observologist: A handbook for mounting very small scientific expeditions
Големина на книгата:
Gecko Press
Биология и еволюция, Популярна наука
The Observologist: A handbook for mounting very small scientific expeditions
38,00 лв.

Пълно описание на продукта

A highly illustrated, playful field guide for budding natural scientists and curious observers of the world right under our noses.

Observology is the study of looking. An observologist makes scientific expeditions, albeit very small ones, every day. They notice interesting details in the world around them. They are expert at finding tiny creatures, plants, and fungi. They know that water snails glide upside down on the undersurface of the water; not all flies have wings; earthworms have bristles; butterflies taste with their feet. An observologist knows that there are extraordinary things to be found in even the most ordinary places.

The Observologist puts more than 100 small creatures and features of the natural world under the microscope, piquing our curiosity with only the most interesting facts. Subjects range from slugs, ants, and seeds to fungi, flies, bees, and bird poop.

But this is no everyday catalog of creatures. It is an antidote to boredom, an invitation out of the digital world and screentime, an encouragement to observe our environment, with care and curiosity, wherever we are.

Facts combine with comics, detailed illustrations, science, and funny stories in this unique, warm, and fascinating account of the small things all around us. Graphic and comic illustrations with funny talking insects make this a playful and informative book one to be treasured in the classroom.

Giselle Clarkson has a comics and conservation background. Through her unique sensibility, you'll find that once you start thinking small, there's no limit to what you can notice - right under your nose.

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