Maisie vs Antarctica

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Доставка от 17.02.2025 до 18.02.20250.00лв.

Maisie vs Antarctica is the first book in a brilliant new series takes you on a non-stop adventure in Antarctica. Filled with humour, heart and a touch of the supernatural, these books are perfect for the most intrepid of readers!

22,00 лв.
Maisie vs Antarctica
Големина на книгата:
Nosy Crow
Приключенски, Съвременна детска проза
Maisie vs Antarctica
22,00 лв.

Пълно описание на продукта

Maisie vs Antarctica is the first book in a brilliant new series takes you on a non-stop adventure in Antarctica. Filled with humour, heart and a touch of the supernatural, these books are perfect for the most intrepid of readers!

Maisie thinks her dad is the most boring person in the world. For fun he likes to do origami (but only basic triangles) or jigsaw puzzles of a cloudless sky (yep, every piece is blue). He writes cool-sounding books like How To Wrestle A Crocodile and How To Defuse A Bomb, but he’s never actually done any of the awesome things he writes about. But Maisie has to admit weird things happen around Dad. Unexplainable things…

When childcare falls through and Dad has to take Maisie to Antarctica to research his next book, How To Survive In Antarctica, Maisie realises there is definitely something unusual about Dad – not only can he speak languages she never knew he could, he manages to crash-land a plane and somehow save her from being eaten by a leopard seal! What is going on? How is any of this possible? Can her dad teleport? Is he a superhero or something else entirely?

Maisie is determined to find out the truth about who her dad is. What she doesn’t realise is that she’ll discover some things about herself and what it really means to be a hero along the way. One thing is for sure – it’s going to be the adventure of a lifetime!

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